Linguistic Association of Canada and the United States
Association de Linguistique du Canada et des États-Unis


Université du Québec à Montréal, Montréal, Canada.
July 31 - August 4, 2001

Report of the Resolutions Committee

August 4, 2001
Montreal, Quebec

BE IT RESOLVED THAT LACUS thank, premièrement, Michel Paradis, organisateur extraordinaire, for hosting the Twenty-Eighth LACUS Forum. This achievement is all the more remarkable as he managed to organize this conference at the University of Quebec in Montreal from his home institution of McGill University. The facilities of UQAM have been at our disposal under the auspices of Professor Henri Cohen of the Cognitive Neuroscience Center. We could not have met in Montreal without his efforts. Merci bien. We especially appreciated the ultra-modern facilities, the high quality of the coffee breaks—and the air conditioning. Holding the conference in Montreal also allowed many conference participants to combine work with pleasure and to experience the unique blend of cultures of contemporary Montreal.

BE IT RESOVLED THAT LACUS thank Lois Stanford, Conference Chair, for exemplary work over the course of the year to assure an impressive array of scholarly presentations at the 2001 Forum.

BE IT RESOLVED THAT LACUS thank Ruth Brend, who, with an ever watchful eye, continues to take care of the many details that allow the annual meeting to run smoothly and pleasantly.

BE IT RESOLVED THAT LACUS thank Angela Della Volpe of California State University-Fullerton for serving three years as LACUS Secretary-Treasurer and, in advance, that LACUS thank Lilly Chen of Rice University for agreeing to succeed Angela.

BE IT RESOLVED THAT LACUS thank Ruth Brend, and Alan Melby and Arle Lommel of Brigham Young University, for editing the timely and impressive LACUS Forum 2000, which for the first time contains an index of languages cited and is also accompanied by a CD version of volumes 25-26-27.

LACUS 2001
Patrick J. Duffley
Connie Eble
Shin Ja Hwang