Pre-Registration Form
Linguistic Association of Canada and the United States
Association de Linguistique du Canada et des États-Unis

To Be Held at
Université Laval/Laval University (Quebec, Canada)
June 10-14, 2008

Last Name________________   Given Name_______________  Gender: M or F

Institutional Affiliation ______________________________________________


City_______________ Postal Code_____________ Country _______________

Telephone___________ Fax_____________ E-mail______________________

Travel Information:
Date and approximate time of arrival_________________________________

Date and approximate time of departure______________________________

Do you expect to attend the LACUS Banquet on Friday night? __________
(Just give a tentative answer at this point, so we can estimate.)

Pre-registration fee:Please circle the appropriate amount and indicate method of payment. All checks and international money order should be made payable to "LACUS". Note that if you are presenting at LACUS, you must be a member of LACUS. See the LACUS home page, "Membership" section, to apply for membership (Or click the following link: Membership Application). If you are from outside of North America and have difficulty sending payment in US or Canadian funds, send in the form with statement that you will pay on arrival. After July 1 and on-site registration: add US$10/Can$10 in each category.

New! Option to pay using PayPal (see end of form):

$50 US / $50 Can (Emeritus: $40 US / $40 Can; Student: $30 US / $30 Can)

$55 US / $55 Can (Emeritus: $50 US / $50 Can; Student: $40 US / $40 Can)

Payment by .....Check .....Money Order ....Credit Card

Please print out this form, fill in, and mail with check or money order or printout of PayPal receipt to:
Dr. Lilly Lee Chen, LACUS Secretary-Treasurer
Center for the Study of Languages, MS-36
Rice University, 6100 Main Street
Houston, Texas  USA  77251-1892

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